Child Custody

Child Custody and Visitation Attorneys
Where children will live and how much time each parent will spend with them are often the toughest issues to resolve in a Missouri divorce or modification. Most parents’ goals are based in love and genuine concern — but this does not prevent disputes over what orders will serve their childrens’ best interests.
No one wins when sons or daughters are treated as pawns or weapons in divorce. However, legitimate disputes about child custody and visitation may resist any amicable agreement, even when parents are determined to shield children from the fallout. Our family law attorneys at Finley & Lauber LLC have the experience and perspective to cut through emotional barriers and resolve complex child custody disputes.
Get Balanced, Realistic Counsel and Results-Focused Representation
We help clients work through tough issues and compromise to achieve negotiated solutions. We stand ready to provide strategic, exceptionally prepared courtroom advocacy when parents are at an impasse. Our legal team emphasizes:
- Creativity in structuring parenting plans that do justice to both parents’ roles when they agree that one parent should have residential custody.
- Targeting of workable, sustainable custody and visitation solutions through negotiation and mediation, which keep decision-making in the family’s hands rather than compelling a judge to decide.
Our efforts in legal matters involving children and parentage range far beyond divorce.
We also have extensive experience in:
- Guiding parents to their best legal options when circumstances change substantially after divorce, which often involves weighing a custody change against a parenting plan modification
- Addressing any proposed child relocation that will impact the noncustodial parents’ access to children
- Cases requiring establishment of paternity for children of unmarried parents
Your childrens’ well-being and your relationships with them are inseparable from your own personal happiness. To request a consultation with a lawyer who will handle your case with that fact in constant view, contact us at 816-781-6595 to schedule an evaluation at our law office located on the beautiful and historic Liberty Square.
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